We offer free shipping to almost everywhere around the world. Our goal is to give you the best shipping options no matter where you live. Every day, we deliver to hundreds of customers all over the world, ensuring that we provide the highest level of responsiveness to you at all times.
The time frame for order delivery is divided into two parts:
Shipping time: This refers to the time it takes for items to be shipped from our warehouse to the destination. Many of our items are warehoused in the US and can be shipped within the day. Our goal is to strive for shipment within 24 hours and delivery within 3 days.
*Estimated Shipping Time
United States & Warehoused in US |
2 - 5 Business days
United States
10 - 20 Business days
Canada, Europe
10-20 Business days
Australia, New Zealand
10-30 Business days
Mexico, Central America, South America, others
15-30 Business days
* This does not include 1 - 3 days processing. ePacket speeds up the shipping of international orders by 5 - 10 business days on average.
Processing time: Order verification, quality check and packaging.
All orders are sent to the warehouse for dispatch within 24 hours of the order being placed. The warehouse and the shipping carrier process the orders. This usually takes 1 - 3 days.
Delays can happen, but the delivery times above are the norm.